Monday, 22 February 2016

Why people love The Walking Dead...

*This blog may contain spoilers - if you are not up-to-date*

This weekend saw the first ever European #WalkerStalker convention, at London’s Kensington Olympia exhibition centre. An exclusive convention for fans of the huge hit The Walking Dead.

Walker Stalker is a Comic Con-style event designed for hard-core fans to get up close and personal with their favourite cast members. Stars of the show took part in panels, photo calls and autograph signings. Fans were able to meet their hero, meet likeminded people, and bask in all things TWD!

Many fans queued for hours to gain access the event, with different entry packages available, ranging from the general entry fee of £36 per day, ranging to £1000 for the Platinum VIP package.

Over twenty stars of the series to date were in attendance, with fans paying an additional fee (ranging between £30 & £85) for a few moments of the star’s time and a signature. Further experiences such as panels with the stars, merchandise and Photo opportunities came at an additional expense. 

Walker Stalker Con - London - Kensington Olympia
As the doors officially opened at 10am, the public rushed to fill the venue. The way that people ran into the arena reminded me of people who run into concerts and festivals - wanting to get to the front of the stage to see their favourite band.

In the case of WalkerStalker, fans were running so that they could line up to meet their hero. Queues starting forming around each star's station within the venue. People queued for hours. I saw one lady break down when it was finally her turn to meet Melissa Mcbride (Carol) – clearly overcome with emotion at meeting the actress of the character that she clearly relates.

Viewing figures for The Walking Dead here in the UK are very high, with the audiences watching live or on demand continuing to grow with each series. I personally think this is due to the human element of the show. It allows you to think 'How would I react in that situation?' You can decide which character portrays the reaction you think that you would have. The characterisation in TWD is a key component, with fans really routing for their favourites. When the ‘Glenn’ cliffhanger occurred in Season 6 part A, fans need to know if he was alive or dead. They really cared. Also, fans have taken to the way that ‘Carol’ has evolved over the six seasons. From a character we thought would be eaten pretty soon into the programme, she is now a major player and fan favourite, with a huge part to play as the new season continues every Monday at 9pm on FOX.

Maybe deep down as humans, we are drawn to the violence and barbarity of the show. It tugs as our animal instincts - we want to see the strong survive. Perhaps we truly have become desensitised to the blood and gore, with both men and women alike watching TWD. 

Some may watch for the horror zombie aspect, whereas other people will watch for the characters and dilemmas which occur. Are you more like Rick or Morgan? Where does your moral compass fit into the show? Many watch waiting to be be easily shocked at the ruthless way key characters can be killed off at anytime.

I also think that people who are invested in the show, having been with it for 6seasons, have clearly discussed it with friends. With the chance to download the full series 1-6 box set on SKY in the UK, people can catch up easily. This is not something that would have been possible previously unless you outlaid serious money for the DVD box set Many people will engage with social media as they are watching the show. Despite being scheduled against strong oppostion on a Monday night, the show regularly is among the top trending hashtags on twitter in the UK. #TheWalkingDeadUK. People want to communicate the emotions that they are feeling, as they witness the show live. Many seem to offer a running commentary of their thoughts and emotions. This all plays a part of linking the fan with the programme. They are really part of a Walking Dead family. This family want to connect with each other and talk about what is happening. Walker Stalker was a great chance for fans to do just that.

Ross Marquand 'Aaron' interviewed behind the scenes.
Additionally, TWD doesn’t seem to be ending anytime soon. Not unless the writers get bored and suddenly decide that there is a miracle cure for the Zombie apocalypse, which aslong as it is making money, will not happen. TWD will continue to evolve.

The thing that struck me about the event was the diverse range of people who were attracted. It wasn’t just full of typical ‘comic book geek’ types as on attendee identified himself, it showed the how far reaching TWD has become. People of all abilities, shapes, and sizes were in attendance, hoping for a glimpse and a few moments of time with their favourite character. People who had never attended a convention before, were attracted to this event, however I am not sure whether the full extent of the expense that was ahead of them would have been known. To get the full experience you certainly needed to have deep pockets. Meeting your heroes wouldn’t come cheap.

Left - Michael Cudlitz (Abraham) Right - Cosplayer Chris Twellmann

Another aspect of the event was the Cos-Players. People came dressed as their favourite characters, or even as the Walkers themselves. There were plenty of people dressed as ‘Rick’ in their Sheriff’s outfit. People even dressed as ‘Carl’ – with his fresh eye damage. The most popular costume was of course ‘Daryl’, and there were some really good ones, alongside some that were not so good. But the effort was clear to see.

One that stood out for me was a cosplayer portraying Abraham (Michael Cudlitz) - he was amazing. I saw social media posts, where fans actually thought that they had taken a selfie with Cudlitz himself.
I decided to have a look online, and see how many people were duped, and there were lots. I then stumbled on the guys Instagram, and he is a full time cosplayer for this character. Whether or not he is making a living from this I am unsure, but regardless, he looks awesome. I suspect he was brought in by the convention organisers.

Highlights of #WalkerStalkerCon

The biggest pull of the event was the confirmed attendance of two of the biggest stars, Norman Reedus and Andrew Lincoln. Reedus was given a rockstars welcome when he entered the arena, with crowds screaming for him. Queues to meet him on the Saturday stretched for hours, and he was charging £85 ($120 US) for an autograph, in which no selfies were allowed. To attend a panel for both stars was another additional cost.

It is worth noting, this event sold out way in advance. All photo ops were also sold out way in advance. Queues for every star there stretched around the arena. People were literally going crazy to meet their hero. In my opinion, the experienced convention goers would have loved this event. However if this was your first one, then chances are you may not return. The organisers could have laid on more for those people not blessed with enough spare cash or prior knowledge for the additional extras, as the cost of the ticket only got you through the door.

The Walking Dead, Season 6 Part B, continues every Monday @ 9pm on FOX UK.

Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Random Acts of Kindness...

Today is #RandomActsOfKindness day. 

It shouldn’t be that hard to do. Being kind should be part of our genetic make up as a human being. As children we were taught to be thoughtful and kind, however as life rolls on and we grow up, it is easier to keep our heads down and focus on our own lives, than taking literally minutes out of our day to do something kind/thoughtful for someone else.

A few months back, when I was struggling with various personal demons, I had the day from hell. You know that type of day. The type of day that we have all had in our lives. The day where everything is just shit. From the time you wake up, and continuously throughout the day – where everything that could go wrong, does go wrong. The day where every ounce of effort to get things right, is redundant, as things were destined to go wrong from the start.

My day at work had been awful. This resulted in having to stay late, which meant I upset my partner as she couldn’t clock off of mummy duties, as I would miss my son’s bed time, which pissed me off as I look forward to that 20minutes more than any other minutes in my day, where we have baby and daddy time, as I give him his formula and he settles to sleep on my chest. 

The tube ride from the office was horrific. Packed on like sardines, with the typical disgust and loathing that us London commuters seem to have for one another. As I exited the station, it had started raining heavily. I didn’t have an umbrella. I had taken it out to fit my laptop into my bag, as I was going to have to log on again once I was home. I was literally so annoyed at the hand that I had been dealt that day.

As I walked the 100metres or so between Embankment tube station and Charing Cross over ground station, I saw a young guy, around my age, sitting on the ground, clearly homeless. It was in that split second, I realised how insignificant my problems really were. I did something that I would usually never do. There was this guy - on the cold pavement, in the rain. He didn’t have a penny to his name, no job, no home, no loved ones around him. He looked like he needed help. Instinct took over and I stopped next to him, and without realising I asked him if he had eaten today. He told me he hadn’t. I went straight over to the Tesco Express store, and spent just over a fiver on random bits. A Mars Bar, a can of Coke, a bottle of water, some crisps, a packet of tissues, a hot sausage roll and a hot steak bake.

When I approached the gentleman for the second time, with the bag of items that I had quickly picked up, the look on his face will stay with me forever. The gratitude that man gave me that instant, was one of the most moving experiences I have ever had. It was like I had given him the winning lotto numbers. I stopped to talk to him, he quickly introduced himself as Derek, he came from Northern Ireland, and had been homeless for only a few months. He told me that he would try to get into accommodation for the evening, but there would be no guarantee. He told me that he had sat in the same spot for a number of hours, and hadn’t spoken to single person all afternoon and evening. After some brief back and forth between us, I wished him well and told him I would look for him when I was next passing.

I left Derek with a completely different outlook on my achievements for the day from hell. I had done something kind for someone I hadn’t met before. It may sound silly, but it was the type of action that I knew immediately would be something that would make my mum proud. The inner child in me knew I had done a good deed. It is crazy that something can mean so much to someone. He was so thankful for my kindness, it inspired me to do more of it.

I found out that there is a whole global movement - - with the aim of spreading the message of getting people to do kind things for others. Paying it forward. People doing good for someone, and that person in turn doing a good deed for the next person.

Since then, I try to do something every week for someone I do not know. It doesn’t have to involve spending money. It can be anything. Most of mine tend be chivalrous acts, holding doors, offering help with luggage, letting people on transport first, offering help where it is needed etc. It helps. If you are feeling down or low, doing something nice for someone you do not know really seems to lift you up. There is something worthwhile in helping someone else. Try it in your own life. Do something for someone that you generally wouldnt usually do. There are lots of things online to help you find inspiration should you be struggling. It has certainly helped me.

This morning for example, at the tube station platform, I saw a lady who had clearly been taken ill and had vomited. People were walking around her, instead of offering her some help. I gave her the packet of tissues from my bag, and asked if she needed help to leave the station. I sat and spoke with her until she told me she was feeling a bit better. She informed me that she was concerned she was going to pass out before I spoke to her. I hope she felt better, but I felt better for trying to help.

Buzzfeed posted a great article for 101 easy ideas for Random Acts of Kindness.

Some of my favourites:
  • Tweet or Facebook message a genuine compliment to three people right now.
  • Smile at someone on the street, just because.
  • Stop to talk to a homeless person.
  • Remind yourself that everyone is fighting their own struggles.
  • Help someone struggling with heavy bags.
  • Call your mom.
  • Join the organ donor register
  • Give blood.

I remember years ago when I was at University, I saw a man pay for an elderly ladies shopping in the supermarket. I automatically thought he was a hero for doing that. It isn’t until now, that I realise there may have been something underlying his reason for doing it. Either way, it was a great gesture of kindness.

A friend of mine volunteers his Saturday morning’s, to sit with an elderly lady in a local nursing home, and write her letters to her friends and family across the world for her, as she can no longer do it. She dictates, recalling stories and memories. He listens, observes, writes her letters, and offers her something that other people take for granted. Kindness.

Give it a try, do something kind for someone you don’t know.

Tuesday, 16 February 2016

Somebody I Used to Know..

It is pretty amazing to think of how many people come into and out of our lives. 

Think of all the kids you knew at school, the people you met through clubs and activities as children. Are any of them still in your life? How about the people you met at college or the people you partied with? Chances are you may still have a core group of friends in your life who have been a constant. 

Are you still in contact with any of the people who shared the same place of work as you throughout your career? What about the people you met travelling, or the people who you formed an instant bond with over a shared passion? Are you still in touch, or simply keeping up with each other lives by looking on social media and occasionally liking one of their Facebook posts?

It is weird how people who you have been bonded with over a number years can suddenly be out of your life often without reason or warning. Like the song by Gotye, they become 'Somebody that you used to know'.

In my case, I have a number of people in my phone contacts library, which I simply do not feel I could call to catch up with. Too much time has passed since our last conversation. It doesn’t mean that I do not care for them, or do not wish to still be in their life, but simply, that we have drifted apart. Before my son was born I removed over seven hundred people from my social media account. Not because I do not like these people, but simply because they are not in my life anymore.

My friendship and time is there for anyone who wants to offer the same back. As life goes on, I have realised that it’s more important to have those people in your life who actually want to be there, opposed to those who just want to follow your social media updates and occasionally like a Facebook post. I have learnt not to chase people. You can't force a friendship.

Unfortunately, there are people who simply do not return messages or phone calls. At what point do you take the hint and stop calling them? You hope deep down, that if you meant something to them, they would call you back. Unfortunately this has happened to me. Someone who meant the absolute world to me, never called back.

I have to say that I really f**king miss that person. We could communicate in ways that I haven’t been able to talk to anyone else. We had been there for each other through various dark times. We were about to share the most amazing life changing experience together. We shared a joint excitement, but life seemed to take over, and calls, voicemails and text messages were not answered. In the end frustration took over, and I left a voicemail saying that I wouldn’t be calling again, and that if he wanted to stay in touch, to reach out. But he never called back.

Serious things have happened in my life in the nine months that followed that voicemail, and I have needed to share that with someone. But the person who I would have confided in hasn’t been there. And it hurts. It hurts to not know what his reason was. Perhaps there was something I did that pissed him off.  If you read this, you will know who you are. I was only concerned for you as you were going through a shit time. I wanted to be there for you to ease the burden. I will always wish you nothing but the best in life, and hope one day my phone will ring.

Of course there are others who have come and gone. But none had the same impact as someone who you consider to be a friend for life.

I am lucky though, I have a close knit group of friends and an additional handful of other true friends, who will be friends for life. We do not have to speak to each other weekly to know that we will always be there for one another. I simply will not allow the friendships to fizzle out. They are almost thought of as extended family members, thus is the impact they have made and esteem I hold them in. People like TA, MM, SH, AC, RH, LR, and lastly by best friend DE will hopefully be in my life forever. Seriousness of life, geographical locations, kids, relationships, commitments, and other factors will not come in the way of our bonds.We have shared so much laughter, emotions and have memories to last a lifetime.

My best friend is younger than me, but I look upto him. He has had it tough in his life, but has come out of it as the best man I know. He would drop everything to be there for me, and I know that completely. He has helped me deal with some real sh*t, and I will be eternally grateful. He made me the biggest promise anyone could ever make, that should anything happen to me in life, he will be there for my son and will teach him all of the lessons that I would taught him. I will never forget that.

There are times in your life, where you need help or guidance of those around you.Sometimes you need someone to literally be silly with. To those in my life, I will always be here for you.  Personally, 2016 has sucked for me. Bad luck, bad news and bad timings have all been present. I fully appreciate everyone who has been there for me so far. We all need somebody to lean on at times.